Saturday, November 2, 2013


In case you were wondering what TDOT stands for, allow me to translate.  TDOT = Thirty Days of Thankful.

Day 2: I am thankful for my BFF

I have the best friend imaginable.  I've written about him before here and here.   He makes me laugh.  He calls me out on my bullshit and helps pull me out of the darkness.  The two of us can communicate across a room without talking.  We have an entire jar full of jokes and one word can make us fall on the floor laughing.  It feels like we have known each other our entire lives.

I am extraordinarily lucky to have a friend like him.  Which reminds me of this song from Aladdin.

November is for being Thankful

Those that know me know that I try to be thankful everyday and to share gratitude regularly.  It isn't always easy but I think it is important.  I believe in thank you notes and thankful lists and that life is better when we are able to pause and take in the amazing things in our lives.

So November 1st, not only marks the beginning of the Holiday season and holiday decorations and holiday music (I love Christmas Carols!!), but marks the beginning of my 30 days of thankful posts.

Day 1: I am thankful for  
The Student Leadership Training Program (SLTP).

SLTP has been a part of my life since the summer of 1994.  This summer will mark the 20th year that I have been involved with and impacted by this incredible program.  SLTP was started 25 years ago.  Jim's dream of empowering student leadership continues to thrive today and every day is more and more important.  When I was 13, participating in SLTP was vital to my self-esteem and my development.  This program helped me to realize that I could do more than I ever thought I was capable of doing.  SLTP taught me skills that I use every single day in my life to this day.

My continued involvement in SLTP is an anchor in my life.  It brings me deep satisfaction and I am able to make a difference.  I have been surrounded by people that care deeply about the world and about make this place a better one.  We believe deeply in the power of students to change the world.

I am so thankful for having SLTP in my life.