Showing posts with label BFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BFF. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2013


In case you were wondering what TDOT stands for, allow me to translate.  TDOT = Thirty Days of Thankful.

Day 2: I am thankful for my BFF

I have the best friend imaginable.  I've written about him before here and here.   He makes me laugh.  He calls me out on my bullshit and helps pull me out of the darkness.  The two of us can communicate across a room without talking.  We have an entire jar full of jokes and one word can make us fall on the floor laughing.  It feels like we have known each other our entire lives.

I am extraordinarily lucky to have a friend like him.  Which reminds me of this song from Aladdin.

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Best Friend is back....

My BFF has returned from his vacation. I know he was only gone a short time. I knew that he was coming back. I know that he and I spoke a couple of times while he was away. It doesn't matter. I missed him and I am super glad he is back in town. I feel better, safer, more supported and more loved when he is in town, even if he and I haven't talked in a few days. He is a big piece of my safety net and I feel more secure when he is around.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"I miss you Big"

Tonight my BFF amazed me by rocking out to Puff Daddy's "I'll Be Missing You".  He knew every lyric and pause and nuance.  It was pretty impressive.  It was also absolutely hilarious.  I mean, my BFF is not someone that I expected to bust out Puff Daddy (P. Diddy, Diddy, Sean Combs - whatever name you know him by).  For some reason, toward the end of the song when my BFF in perfect time with Puff says "I'll miss you big", I just started laughing so hard.

Laughing at the smallest things.  Finding the ridiculous.  Sharing moments of hilarity.  Those are the things that my BFF and I do best.

Celebrity Sightings

My friend NH and her husband are having a debate about whether some man sitting across from them is Morgan Freeman or not. It is remarkably easy to believe you see someone that is not that someone.  I recently had a similar issue.

I was in Ogunquit with the BFF.  We were upstairs at the piano bar at The Front Porch and I swore that Richard Gere was sitting at the table next to us.  I tell BFF this and he humors me as all good BFFs should but he does not believe it is Richard Gere.  Our friend BG arrives and also does not believe it is Richard Gere.  I am 95% sure it is and I declare it so.  So my BFF goes up to this man and asks him.  While he does not deny that he is Richard Gere is does not confirm it.  All he says is that he is flattered.  Now, this man has an accent.  Richard Gere is from Philadelphia.  I recognize that at this point I should admit that perhaps this man is not Gere but my brain is so addled by the celebrity sighting that his lack of direct denial turns into even greater certainty on my part that the man we are looking at is indeed the star of Pretty Woman and other such films.

BFF and I leave to go see the Chris Francis show but later find out from BG that he was indeed NOT Mr. Gere.  He was Charles Shaughnessy, the man that played Mr. Sheffield on The Nanny with Fran Drescher.  Well, that explains the accent.

Still counts as a celebrity sighting and someday when I hear on the television that Mr. Gere has passed, I may tell the story a bit differently.

Okay, so on side by side examination I can see that they don't look exactly alike but I think there are some similarities and I think I can be forgiven for believing that Mr. Sheffield was Richard Gere.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


There are people that love us completely.  They even love the ugly and dark bits.  I am lucky to have some of those people in my life.  They make my life brighter and better and help light the dark times so they are fewer and farther apart.  I am blessed every day to have them in my life.  THANK YOU BFF, LM, JF, Dr. J, TC, DN)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Better with friends...

Learning is not meant to be a lonely endeavor.  I knew this before but helping the BFF work on the dissertation has cemented that for me.  In order to do your best work you need help. You need people to bolster you and help you talk through things.  You need mirrors to reflect back to you the concepts, thoughts, theories and general ramblings that are going on. 

Like this blog, reflection and thought while often done alone are not meant to be lonesome or kept to oneself.  Learning, thought, depth, ideas, creativity, questions are meant to be shared and expressed and discussed. 

It has been a challenging lesson for me but one I am holding dearly to and working on daily.  Life, learning and love are all meant to be shared - keeping them to yourself is lonely and seems selfish. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Tudors

BFF and I have discovered a brand new television series.  We have been watching the Showtime show The Tudors.  Henry and his many wives are fascinating.  Such a great show.

The BFF has been absorbed in work lately and we haven't had tons of time to just chill out with each other and enjoy each other's company.  Tonight we were able to spend a couple of hours chatting, hanging out and watching The Tudors.

I love my BFF.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Good night

Last night was a great night.  Me & my BFF have been beyond busy.  This means we haven't been able to see each other for long periods of time or for anything other than routine check-ins.  Last night we got to spend time with each other.  We laughed.  We drank.  We danced around.  We laughed.  Did I repeat that? Well, it is that important.

It was one of those really great nights.  We didn't do anything extraordinary.  There were no bells or whistles.  It was just two friends enjoying each other's company and basking in shared laughter, experience and love.

It was a night where I was reminded again how lucky I am to be loved and to have people I love in return.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Starting fresh...

The thing that I didn't anticipate in writing this blog is that I was inviting people into my life in a very real way.  I haven't been writing much lately.  Have I been busy? Sure.  I haven't been busy enough that I can't write.

I've been struggling.  I have been having an epic battle between my brain and my heart.  I don't know how to clearly explain what that means.  All I can say is that I sometimes feel things deeply.  I know them in my core but I can't explain why I feel the way that I do. Often, these feelings are in contrast to what my head tells me is the best course of action.  Or in conflict with what my head says is the "rational" thing to do.  It is the moment when the thing that my brain or people around me are telling me is the best course of action is the very thing that makes me feel bad or sick to stomach or just a little bit not right.  It isn't easy to listen to my heart over my brain.  Or to find the balance between brain and heart.

Sometimes I momentarily misplace my internal compass and I am left struggling to find my way back to myself.  Sometimes these life detours are brief.  Like this one.  They last for a few days or a couple of weeks.  Sometimes they are longer - a month or two or more.  Longer ones can often be dark times for me.  All this to say that usually when it happens, people may notice that my demeanor has changed slightly or I don't laugh quite as quickly but I am able to fake it pretty well (except from Dr. J or my BFF who can see right through any facade).  Well with this blog, people have noticed that I haven't been writing as much and that has led them to be concerned and ask me if I am okay, etc.

This realization that people are "following" me and are involved in my life in any way remotely is strange.  I write the blog for myself but sharing myself in public is not something I do.  I think most people would describe me as outgoing, bubbly, etc... I can certainly be gregarious and loud and boisterous... Yet, it is work for me.  I love a good laugh.  I can engage as needed.  I wouldn't label myself an extrovert though.  Sharing myself is hard work.  Social settings can be draining for me, especially if I'm not hiding behind a mask.  So the public nature of this blog, the fact that people know when I am and am not posting is daunting.  It is an important step for me.

Dr. J recently wrote a "wednesday visit" about asking for help.  This is a skill that has always been a challenge for me.  It starts with being able to share yourself in even the smallest ways with those around you.  It starts with being genuine in our interactions.  So this blog for me is part of the process of me sharing myself with the world and most importantly sharing myself with myself.  That sounds crazy but when I stop fooling myself then I am able to connect with the world more fully. 

So, to anyone that is reading this that has asked me how I am...I have been struggling but I can see things clearer again.  I have found the arrow on my heart-compass and it is pointing due north again.  Every day is a fresh start and another chance to live better than the day before.

Thank you to my dear friends.  Thank you to all that have asked how I am doing and waited long enough to hear the real answer.  Thank you BFF.  

I am lucky indeed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pinky Swears

The pinky swear is a sacred thing between two friends.  It can not be used lightly or frivolously.  Nor can it be broken once sworn.  This simple hook of the pinky between friends secures a lasting commitment.

My BFF and I take the pinky swear very seriously.  We don't whip out the pinky for any situation.  Today my BFF requested a pinky swear from me for something very important.  He asked that I be honest about something that I don't EVER really talk about.

The timing was completely awkward because we were sitting at a bar.  The approach to the conversation was not gentle.  Regardless, it came from a place of deep love and care for me.

I hesitated.  He asked for a pinky swear.  If I was going to pinky swear then I intended to talk.  I'm not very good with the sharing sometimes.

I thought.  I mulled.  I processed.  Then I reached out with my pinky and I closed the pinky-swear.

One of the great and amazing things about my friendship with my BFF is that we both know that the other person is doing the best they possibly can to be the best possible friend.  As Garth Brooks says, he may not be big on social graces, but he has the biggest and most amazing heart.  His capacity to care is just tremendous.  I trust him completely, which is huge for me.

To friendship and many more years of pinky swears

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It is only 8:28am....

and here are the great things about today so far.

  1. It is rainy outside.  Doesn't sound great.  But I like the rain.  
  2. Yellow - I am wearing yellow.  First, I look pretty nice in yellow.  More importantly, it makes me feel nice.  yay to yellow!
  3. Chobani Greek Yogurt - delicious, raspberry-flavored.  Um...yum!
  4. exercise - day 2 of waking up and exercising.  It always makes me feel better during the day but sometimes I just want to stay curled up in my bed.
  5. Hilarious phone message from my long-time friend DRN.  He and I have been friends for what seems like 4-evah, since our first year of college in the "new dorms" of East Wheelock.  (note: this makes us very old because EW is no longer new)
  6. The songs "teenage dreams" and "Forget you" sung by the cast of Glee - Is it wrong that I like them more than the originals.  
  7. Ceiling fans - when it is too cold to open the window but too dang hot in the office, the ceiling fan regulates the temperature
  8. Seeing my BFF first thing in the morning.  I usually see him at least once a day - but rarely is he the first person I see.  It adds a special joy to the day when the first person you see is someone you love so dearly and loves you.  yay to friendship.
And now it is 8:35am.  I have had my yogurt and cup of coffee and it is time to get down to business.  

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Issues like tissues....

Issues...I have them...If I let them, they can stop me in my tracks and I will be immobilized for a while as I try to push through them.  I have learned tricks over the years to help me dig out of my own dwelling...

I am thankful for the following things:

1) the patience of my friends, particularly my BFF - to answer questions calmly, to reassure me that I'm not crazy, to hug me when I need it, to listen to me dissect a problem/conversation/issue until it is in little bitty pieces, to recognize my issues and my insecurities and love me still, to laugh at me when I need to be laughed at...and so many other reasons.

2) my chest of goodies - I have a small chest that is full of little scraps of joy.  Magic notes from camp.  Cards/letters from friends.  Mementos of moments in my life.

3) the library - yesterday I wandered through the public library and ran my hands over the bindings of hundreds of books.  I picked up books that I had read many times before and flipped through them and remembered their stories, the characters, the lives of the book itself.  I checked out three books for myself.

4) books - they can transport you to another time.  Books for me allow me to reflect and to refine my own points of view.  They take me out of myself in order to better understand myself.  The stories and characters remind of so many things but the very books themselves remind me of moments of time.  The books themselves have their own stories.  Some of my books have travelled with me since I was a young girl.  Some are newer acquisitions.  They had a life before they reached my hands and will have a life after they leave my hands.  I adore books.

5) sleep - sometimes I just need to sleep it off and in the morning things are brighter

6) tears - and sometimes I need to cry it out. Tears seem like a strange thing to be thankful for but I am thankful that I am able to release my emotions.  I am a crier...I cry.  It took me a long time to be okay with it.  When I am happy, sad, lonely, moved, angry...all kinds of emotions illicit tears...I have learned to let them come freely most of the time now.

In a strange way I am even thankful for my issues...they are part of who I am and part of my story.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm hosting

Thanksgiving this year!  yay!

I got the phone call from my mom this morning confirming that the family is on their way up to Hanover for Thanksgiving deliciousness.

I am not sure why I am excited about this, but for some reason it makes me happy.  I wonder if i will feel the same after they have been here.  The other funny thing about this is that I can't actually host ANYONE at my own house, I mean I can barely fit 4 people in my apartment, so I am hosting Thanksgiving at my BFF's house.  He's won't be here and he has such a lovely kitchen.

woo-hoo for thanksgiving & a generous friend with a lovely home.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Homage to my BFF

In my last entry I noted that i had to work very hard to not make this blog an homage to karaoke, my BFF and glee...

Well, today deserves an homage to my BFF.

Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, day...I woke up after barely sleeping in a foul and unhappy mood.  When I am in a bad mood, I get irritable, snappy, grumpy, yucky, and other unfavorable dwarfs (is the plural of dwarf, dwarfs or dwarves?  hmmm..). I can also become a bit weepy.  Some of you may not know this about me because I work very hard to keep this less pleasant side hidden.  I mostly do a good job.  I attempt to avoid hitting innocent bystanders with unsavory pieces of shrapnel (did I use that word correctly?).  So, when I am in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad very dear BFF often bears the brunt of this unfortunate state of my being.  Today was just such a day.  In honor my wonderful BFF, I write this blog entry in homage to him and the wonderful things that make him my BFF...

  • he has impromptu dance parties with me
  • he sends me hilarious jokes via email
  • he lets me cry my eyes out, rant and rave, sit in silence
  • he gives the best hugs and knows just how long they need to last to provide maximum hugging impact
  • he knows me as well as anyone in the world and knows how I am feeling without me saying anything
  • he has the patience of a saint because sometimes it takes me a LONG time to open up about things
  • he is never afraid to give me a reality check when I need it and to say the difficult things that need to be said
  • he sees all my bruised and damaged pieces and loves me because of those and not in spite of them
  • he thinks my jokes are funny
  • he loves music as much as I do
  • he turns regular seemingly harmless lyrics into dirty lyrics (i find this endlessly entertaining)
  • he is kind, caring, trustworthy, brilliant, fabulous
  • he enjoys a good martini
  • he and I can sit in silence or talk for hours
  • he lets me be myself, even when that isn't so pretty
  • he can turn a blah day into an incredible one
  • he makes me laugh
  • he likes to find the answers to things, whether they be profound or mundane (wikipedia & google are our friends)
  • he is generous
  • he is wonderful
I am so thankful to have him in my life and I could not ask for a better. best friend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oops I did it again...

Okay, so last night's episode of GLEE was all Britney, all the time....

First, I adore the show Glee.  I think it is clever, irreverent and hilarious...most of all I love the music.  I am one of those people that kind of wishes life was a musical.  I often want to break out into a song that is perfectly fits the mood of the occasion.  I want choreography.  I want harmonies.  I want costume changes and dramatic pauses.  I want dream sequences.

I have always felt this way.  Frankly, if you know me well you know that I actually do often break into song when the inspiration hits.

So I love Glee (to be clear though...I don't love High School Musical - just felt the need to make that crystal clear).

I also will admit that I have a deep affection for pop music, particularly late 90s and early 2000s pop music.  I know all the lyrics to Britney, Christina, *N'Sync, Backstreet Boys...etc..I am not ashamed to admit it.  So that the Britney episode was particularly dear to me.

High on the joy of the episode of Glee, my best friend and I spent tonight watching YouTube videos of our favorite pop classics.  We sang.  We danced. We remembered when.  Most of all we laughed and laughed and laughed.

There have been a lot of things since my last post that I wanted to write about and I will....but Britney - thanks for continuing to bring me joy years after you rocked our world with "Baby One More Time"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

BFF = Best Friends Forever

Today was kind of a challenging day for me...sometimes I get stuck in my own head and can beat myself up about things.

*shrug* - it happens

Luckily, I have the very best friend that a woman could have. Support, caring, compassion, challenge, honesty, sincerity and hilarity all tied up in one person.  I am lucky indeed.

Thank you BFF for being in my life.