Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer of Joy

It has been nine months since I started writing in this blog.  In the last few months, my commitment has waned.  I've been trying to figure it out.

I know objectively that there have been great moments of joy over the last few months.  I know there have been things that I have found hilarious, amusing, ironic, confounding, confuddling, bemusing and other such words.  I know that these have been things that I would gladly share with the world at large and yet...I haven't been able to find the words.  I have pushed through in moments and posted.  I have made myself share.  Those brief moments have been rewarding but fleeting.

I am on vacation this week.  I have made a really conscious effort to not work.  My email is piling up and I am not responding to it.  There are calls on my voicemail that I am not listening too.  I have been doing a lot of reflecting, thinking, processing, debriefing, wondering, pondering and other such words.  I think I have allowed other people's toxicity to infect me.  I have lost sight of some of the things I believe to be true.  I have allowed way to much negativity to get up in my grill.

No more.

The next three months are my summer of joy.  I reclaim my time and my attitude.  I reclaim my joy.  I reclaim the things that I can control and release those things that I can't.

Let's make the next three months count!

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