Sunday, October 30, 2011

Forever Lazy

Here in this space I have written haiku's to my snuggie.  I have pointed out the absurdity of the peekaroo.

Now, I am pleased to bring you the incredible Forever Lazy.  This newest in warmth generating products was brought to my attention by the lovely JF.  She knows how much I adore the snuggie but I believe she threatened to disown me if I chose to wear one of these.  While the commercial is true - heat is expensive and I am often frustrated by my too long and too short blankets.  I hate to wrestle with them.  That said, I assured her that until there were feet attached to such an object I would continue to protest the Forever Lazy.  Having to put on a pair of socks is in violation of the Forever Lazy product name.  I am TOO lazy to put on socks in addition to my forever lazy.  And I must wear socks because I am clearly too cold for any other product.  Come on, Forever Lazy, get it together.  I want to be as lazy as possible, attach the socks!!!


That's right, I declare it LiBloWriMo - Liz's Blog Writing Month. 

While I am impressed by those people that are able to commit to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I am not one of those people.  I toyed with the idea this afternoon.  I thought, "I can write a novel."  "Why shouldn't I write a novel?"  "I can commit to writing 300 pages in a month!"As I convinced myself that I could and indeed I wanted to write a novel, I tried to figure out what my novel would be about.  I could not come up with anything remotely interesting.  I mean, seriously, I was bored just thinking about my novel ideas.  Then I came to the real truth....why would I be able to write a novel in a month if I could not keep up my blog for 30 continuous days.  Plus, while I know that other people read this, mostly this blog just needs to be interesting and hilarious and meaningful to me. 

So all that to said, I am going to commit to writing on the blog everyday for the next 31 days.  This is a purely personal endeavor.  November gets gray and cold and I need to focus on joy really purposefully.  I must make a promise to myself that I will do this.  And there it is - I promise to write for the next 31 days.  LiBloWriMo!!!!

I urge you to take your own challenge.  Journal everyday for the next 31 days.  Take 5 minutes everyday to meditate.  Draw everyday.  Whatever medium you choose, declare it your own personal 31 days!

LiBloWriMo here I come.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cee-Lo Green

A little less than a year ago I posted about the beauty of a good "f-bomb".  Sometimes it is needed and it is the only word that truly expresses how I feel about life.  Today, I was reviewing old messages and facebook things and ran across a link that made me happy last January and makes me happy today. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Last days, first days

At some point in my life I heard the saying "the end of something is the beginning of something else."  Or something along those lines.  This past Friday was my last day at a job that I have had for 4 wonderful years.  I learned so much during this job at the Collis Center.  I was lucky to work with a staff that was effective, hilarious,  fun, full of integrity, and just wonderful.

Monday is my first day at a new job.  I am excited.  I am terrified.  It is a great job and will be a whole new world for me.  I will be working closely with new colleagues and working on new projects.  I will be learning new things and growing.

There are not words enough to thank the Collis Center staff and the students that I have had the privilege to work with for all they have done for me.  I have been truly blessed to be part of their lives and to have them be part of mine.  I am lucky that while my office is moving just a few doors down, these wonderful people are still very much a part of my life and heart.  They each have left and continue to leave an imprint on who I am.  I was watching episodes of the office and saw the episode of Michael Scott's Last Dundies and the staff of Dunder Mifflin send him off with a song.  It brought tears to my eyes.

Starting the next adventure...Kind of feels like closing my eyes and jumping off a cliff.   Here goes nothing....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beautiful day in the neighborhood...

A beautiful day to be thankful.  Today my thankful list includes:
  • Students making informed and conscious choices rather than being swept away in the tide.  I have to admit that I am so proud of some of my students right now.  They made the choices that were right for them even when those choices were challenging, unpopular and/or downright uncomfortable. 
  • Amazing interns.  I have been blessed to have excellent interns past and present.  I have a deep respect for the abilities of students and for what they can accomplish when given the opportunity.  
  • BBQ sauce - it is delicious on most things. 
  • Incredible weather.   We have been having the most incredible weather in the last few days.  On days like today I wish that I had a hammock to swing on all day with a great book.  
  • Republican debates.  Political views aside, it is a pretty cool experience to have the presidential debates in your own backyard.  It is cool to see students excited about it and engaged in the conversation.  It is awesome to see them debating issues, protesting inequality and just being completely present.  
  •   Being able to help students that need it.  I am deeply blessed that I get to be there for students when they need a shoulder to lean on. 
  • Having the very best friend anyone in the world could ever ask for.  Just the absolute best.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a difference a year can make...

I started this blog a little over a year ago on a quest to find the joy in my life.  I wanted to make sure that I was stopping and noticing all of the wonderful things in my life.  It was an experiment.  This blog was my attempt to hold my self accountable to laughter, fun, delight, pleasure, peace, calm, amusement, wonder, satisfaction, hilarity, ridiculousness, bliss - in a word joy.  It was a challenge for me some days because my natural tendency is to to pull into myself.  It was challenging to get out of my own way and own my emotions and to put my heart out into the world freely and with little restraint.

I haven't written in a few months.  Life has been wonderful.  My summer was outstanding.  I had a great time.  Despite the departure of my dear friends from Hanover, I continued to find the happiness.  I found beauty in every day things.  I spent time with the people that mattered to me.  I did things that I loved and I worked on projects that mattered.

As the school year begins, I find my life changing again.  As usual, change is scary.  I am filled with doubt and questions and concerns.  I'm also excited, intrigued and anxious.  Someone told me today that all change is loss and that we must allow ourselves to mourn the things we are losing but make sure we find space for the new things that we are gaining. I enter another year of my life, my goal is to use this blog to help me find space for the new things in my life.  To find space for new joys, new adventures and new opportunities to learn.   Life is a highway....