Sunday, October 30, 2011


That's right, I declare it LiBloWriMo - Liz's Blog Writing Month. 

While I am impressed by those people that are able to commit to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I am not one of those people.  I toyed with the idea this afternoon.  I thought, "I can write a novel."  "Why shouldn't I write a novel?"  "I can commit to writing 300 pages in a month!"As I convinced myself that I could and indeed I wanted to write a novel, I tried to figure out what my novel would be about.  I could not come up with anything remotely interesting.  I mean, seriously, I was bored just thinking about my novel ideas.  Then I came to the real truth....why would I be able to write a novel in a month if I could not keep up my blog for 30 continuous days.  Plus, while I know that other people read this, mostly this blog just needs to be interesting and hilarious and meaningful to me. 

So all that to said, I am going to commit to writing on the blog everyday for the next 31 days.  This is a purely personal endeavor.  November gets gray and cold and I need to focus on joy really purposefully.  I must make a promise to myself that I will do this.  And there it is - I promise to write for the next 31 days.  LiBloWriMo!!!!

I urge you to take your own challenge.  Journal everyday for the next 31 days.  Take 5 minutes everyday to meditate.  Draw everyday.  Whatever medium you choose, declare it your own personal 31 days!

LiBloWriMo here I come.

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