Thursday, October 21, 2010

One month check-in (delayed)

Holy Cow!  So I started writing this blog one month ago today.  That seems crazy to me.

So, I am officially checking-in with myself (and you all) about whether I feel like it is meeting my goals and objectives.  I am doing some internal assessment...or reflecting on my reflection.  That could turn into an endless cycle of reflecting there.  But I digress...

I really digressed and had to save the blog entry and stop writing because I got wrapped up in other things. Then last night I wasn't feeling particularly didn't write. I have had some sleep and can more properly reflect on my first month.


Here are my reflections:
1) I am noticing the things that make me smile or chuckle or feel good more now.  It is way too easy to get sucked into the negative pieces of life.  Don't get me wrong....I'm not a saint and the negative pieces still have major impact in my life and this past month has been full of moments of anger, sadness, anxiety, etc - the whole range of emotions.  That being said

2) what this blog has done is allowed me to let go of those things and revel in the good.  It has even helped me find the good in moments of challenge, instead of focusing on the bad.  I remember this month as a good one, even though there were many moments of "blech".  I remember it that way because this blog helped me take the time to notice and point out the ridiculous and not so ridiculous things in my life.   This has led me

3) to the conclusion that I am extraordinarily boring!  LOL! I will admit that I have had to be careful not to turn this into a blog that pays homage to karaoke, my BFF and Glee.  HAHA.  Looking at the last month of blogs, I noticed that the small things and mostly the ridiculous things have been the things that make me joyful.  So one of the advantages of this blog

4) is a reminder to continue to make time for those things regardless of my schedule or my bad car karma or whatever.  So I make sure I am at karaoke on Thursdays no matter what is going on or how tired I am.  I schedule in time to read and respond to SLTP emails and engage in that dialogue.  My BFF gets time no matter what is happening because time with him is some of my favorite time.  And the Tuesday night GLEE watch is set in stone.  Those things matter and I need to make time.

5) Finally, i  am realizing that joy comes in many forms and feels differently in many situations.  Whether  it is the euphoric happiness of a tremendous moment, the quiet satisfaction of a job well done, the stomachache from shared laughter....or the million other ways it feels.  Joy doesn't come in one package. It has been fun finding it in unexpected places and being able to share those moments.

I don't have any idea who is reading this.  According to the stats on this blog there have been 1,078 views in the last month.  That seems insane.  AND people have been viewing from the US but also Canada, Singapore, the UK and South Africa.  WTF?!  That is insane and strange and cool.  Whoever is reading this (friend or stranger), I appreciate you taking the moment out of your day to browse my thoughts.

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