Monday, April 18, 2011

My weekend

I potentially had the laziest weekend I have ever had this weekend.  I got back to my apartment late on Friday (working) and have not left it yet.  I will be leaving it shortly to go back to work.  I slept ALL day on Saturday and most of the day yesterday.  I didn't speak to another human being until Sunday around 5:30pm, when I called a friend because her facebook status was concerning.  I watched episodes of the Cosby Show and Ally McBeal. It isn't something I could do all the time, but it was certainly worth it.

This song was my weekend anthem.  Thank you Bruno Mars for providing me with the soundtrack needed.  He has dancing monkeys, mentions both the snuggie and doing the dougie, and pulls down his pants.  LOL  The video is pretty awesome.  :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work well done

About a month ago, I hurried home because my stepfather was in the hospital.  I was distressed, nothing was quite working the way it should have.  The man that worked the customer service desk at Enterprise, where I was trying to rent a car, was super patient, helpful and just plain great.  So I wrote a letter to the CEO of the company telling them that this guy named Kevin in West Lebanon, NH was awesome.

Yesterday I got a letter from the Vice President of Customer Service thanking me for thanking them. The first paragraph read, "Thank you for taking the time to write your letter.  We are most appreciative of your positive comments.  it is especially valuable to us because generally customers only take the time to call or write when things go badly, not when things are handled well."  I hope Kevin gets a raise or a bonus or a gift card from it.

I was thinking about writing back to them thanking them for thanking me for thanking them - but that seems like a vicious cycle.  LOL

So I truly believe that we should be thanking people for doing things right and celebrating positive work.  It is WAY easier to focus on the negative though and whine and complain.  I'm glad I followed through.