Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chipper people

I am spending this lovely morning at the laundromat.  I like places like laundromats and grocery stores because I find them kind of soothing.  It is my quiet time.  I get a lot of good thinking done while I am doing laundry or shopping for groceries.  I know lots of people hate these tasks but I really enjoy them.

There is also great people watching - particularly at the laundromat.

Well, one of my favorite human interactions is between the person that wants quiet time or isn't a morning person and the SUPER chipper person.  Now, I am pretty alert, awake and ready to go in the morning but I recognize that some people aren't and that they need a few moments to get invested in the day.  I like to smile and joke with them but also give them the internal space they need.  Well, when the SUPER chipper person meets the "I'm not a morning person" person, I know it is going to be good people watching.  This morning provided just such a show.  Super chipper person kept trying to engage and trying to make funnier and funnier jokes (which actually weren't very funny and I find a lot of stuff funny) and Un-morning person was trying to be polite.  It all came to a head when Super Chipper told Un-Morning, "What is wrong with you, why won't you smile." And Un-Morning yelled, "It is 7 in the morning."  Such good people watching.  Super Chipper has moved onto several other people.  And has currently found a conversation partner.

I love people.

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