Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is Halloween!!

Today was Halloween. I didn't dress up. I didn't trick or treat. I did eat some delicious sugar cookies in the shape of pumpkins, bats and cats that a colleague baked and brought into the office. Yum - those were delicious.

Mostly, I had the song "This is Halloweeen" from Nightmare Before Christmas playing on repeat in my head.  I really wanted to watch the movie tonight but I don't own it and no one was showing it on television.  The question remains, is it a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie?  The fact that Tim Burton was the director lends itself toward being a halloween movie, but there are a tremendous number of Christmas references.  I like the idea of it as a Christmas movie because it isn't quite as sticky sweet as so many other holiday movies.  Regardless...this is HALLOWEEN!!!

That said, there is this crazy person somewhere in the US that does these elaborate light displays for Halloween.  (see below).  It is pretty insane.  I can't imagine being their neighbor.  I also can't imagine what the electric bill is or how much time it takes to program such an insane display.  Regardless or what I can and cannot imagine - I love this video.  I think it is super awesome and fun and it makes me smile.  Thank you person (or people) with a house and lights and the ability to program lights to sound.


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