Sunday, February 16, 2014

52 Lists: Ways in Which You Can Love Others

52 Lists
Week Six// List The Ways In Which You Can Love Others

I can love others by.....

... writing handwritten thank you notes.
...pausing and listening to the answer when I ask someone the question "how are you?"

...saying please and thank you for all requests no matter how large or small and no matter from whom I am asking. strong, solid, and loving hugs.
...sharing my feelings and thoughts with those I love.
...asking others about themselves.
...getting out of my own head and paying attention to the needs of those around me. people space when they need it and being present when they need me.
...sending youtube videos that they would love.
...sharing the things you see with them to let them know you are thinking about them.
...saying I love you.
...buying them their favorite candy just because you were thinking about them. 
...sharing jokes and memories to make them smile.
...being a safe port from the raging storms.
...showing kindness even when I don't want to be kind.
...taking time to listen even when my schedule is crazy busy.
...stopping by their apartment just because I was in the neighborhood. 
...remembering their birthday and other special dates.
...walking their dog when they have to work late.
...sending a random text message to say hi.

...laughing with them. them what they need not what you would need if you were them.

...cherishing their flaws.

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