Thursday, January 27, 2011

Because caring IS who I am...

Someone that I care about asked me today (or technically yesterday since it is 1:13am) if I knew who I was without work or caring for other people.  It made me think.  Is there something wrong?  Do I not know who I am?  Do I care too much? 

I didn't respond immediately. 

The answer to the question is no, I don't know who i am without work or without caring for other people because without that care, I'm not who I am.  Caring and a deep desire to have an impact, to make a difference....those are at my core.  I believe in respect.  I believe in justice.  I believe in love.  I believe that love and care are the pathways to true justice.  I don't stand for anything if I don't stand for that. 

Is caring painful sometimes? Absolutely.  Do I sometimes feel tired?  Absolutely. 

Regardless, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Do I need to sometimes figure out how to not get taken advantage of because I care so much about some things?  Absolutely.  But I know where my lines are.  I know how I should be treated.  I know what I believe to be right. 

There are too many people in the world these days trying to tell me that I care too much.  Wondering about why I stay at my job when so many people seem to be jumping ship.  It is because I believe that the work I do truly makes a difference. 

Do I sometimes lose sight of that belief? Absolutely.  Do I sometimes struggle with the individual politics and petty mindgames of others?  ABSOLUTELY.

But I find I don't struggle long because I know what I stand for.  I care about people.  I work from the heart. 

Some may see it as a flaw but I think it is one of my greatest strengths.

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