Monday, October 25, 2010

We do... you in case you were wondering.

Those were the parting words of my wonderful visitors yesterday.  Dr. J has known me since I was 13 years old.  I was a sad and teased child that worked hard to keep the laughter on my face.  He saw me clearly then and it was one of the first times that someone outside of family cared enough to really ask how I was and to listen to the answer - or to look beyond the surface and see more depth.  Dr. J and the three lovely ladies that came up with him are such incredible lights.  They give awesome hugs.  They are hysterically hilarious.  They share themselves unselfishly.  I am lucky to have them in my life.

I forget sometimes, as Dr. J knows, that people love me.  I think everyone does.  It is easy to think that we are all alone in this world and that no one cares enough to see us clearly.  It isn't true.  Most days I know that I am loved and that I am lucky to have the people in my life that I have.  I have people that fill my heart with joy and help make each day better.  People that care about the world around them and that work tirelessly to make a difference in millions of small ways.  I have people that give the best hugs.  People that call at the right moment as though they heard my heart calling to them.  People that stop and listen to the full answer when they ask "how are you".

I know all of this....sometimes, though, I need to be reminded. Sometimes it is nice to hear the words.

Thank you my lovely friends for reminding me in hundreds of ways that I am loved.  I love you too.

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